Dear [Your Name Here],

I remember the first time you touched me; not in a sensitive way, but derogitory and dirty way.  You pushed me off the front porch, making me stumble and fall in ways I will never forget.

I remember my best friend staying with you to calm you down.  Yet, I remember running down our street the same way, upset and pissed as all hell that you had touched me the way you did.  I remember being nothing but supportive of you, and yet, I was still the enemy. 

I've been the enemy for so long, for these things I've only known as the greatest good.  I have volunteered.  I have helped my friends.  I have stood by my family.  Yet I still was the enemy in the eyes' closest to me. 

You still haunt me.  Your criticism still gets to me, to this very day.  No matter how I look, how much weight I have lost, how much I have changed, I always think of you as the one person to really determine how great I am.

I can't remember if you are one person, or split into two- but I know I will never fit the people you want me to.



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